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Playing Cards

Playing a creature card from your hand is called Forging. The creature can enter an empty lane, or replace one of your existing creatures. A replaced creature is gone, but is not considered to have been Destroyed. A forged creature is in a sleeping state (indicated by the solforge ring shown over the card art) until the start of the player's next turn, unless the creature is Aggressive.

Playing a spell is similar, but the steps involved will vary from spell to spell. Be sure to right click to read the card text. Appropriate targets will highlight as the spell is played.

You can also discard a card directly to the discard pile, leveling it (via the Discard button after selecting the card in hand). Your opponent will not know what you leveled. This will count as playing a card. Cards marked as Free or that can only be played from a free card effect (green card icon) cannot be directly leveled. They must be played or discarded as normal at the end of the turn.

Grousewood Games