Each card belongs to a faction, denoted by the name and card colour.
Robots, technologists, oracles, and crafty gnomes. Grey.
- Boosting attack
- Lowering enemy attack
- Removal of creature abilities
- Armor and Armor based effects
- Middle lane effects
- Card leveling
- Drawing extra cards to your hand
- Granting Defender
- Robot synergies
- Metamind synergies
Necromancers, the undead, abominations, and slimy oozes. Purple.
- Lowering attack and health
- Destroying creatures / direct removal
- Benefiting from enemies with low attack
- Regeneration
- Sacrificing creatures and benefiting from death in general
- Creating token creatures on death
- Resurrecting dead creatures
- Side lane effects
- Abomination synergies
- Zombie synergies
Asirs, elementals, giants, and smelly yetis. Red.
- Temporary attack boost
- Boosting creature health
- Dealing direct damage
- Aggressive creatures and granting Aggressive
- Gaining free spells
- Granting, removing, and exploiting Defender
- Lane movement tricks, effects when creatures move
- Effects when dealing battle damage to the enemy player
- Getting extra battles
- Yeti synergies
- Spell synergies
Dinosaurs, druids, forest creatures, and very angry plants. Green.
- Boosting attack and health
- Benefits from having all lanes occupied
- Generating token creatures
- Having and granting Breakthrough
- Inflicting Poison
- Healing the player, benefiting from the player gaining health
- Plant synergies
- Dinosaur synergies