Development FAQ
Did You Invent This Game?
No. Solforge was created by Stoneblade Entertainment. It released in 2013 and shut down in 2018.
Does This Earn Money?
No. A strict condition of Stoneblade Entertainment allowing something like this is that it remains free in its entirety. If you would like to make a monetary contribution, my suggestion is to check out Solforge Fusion. It is the spiritual successor to Solforge, and any treats purchased will directly benefit the people who designed the original game, procured the artwork, etc.
Make It Open Source?
Perhaps when I am "finished". Right now only the minified build will be public, as I would like to continue working without someone else forking it and trying to one-up the project.
Online Play?
Unlikely. Originally I focused on single player as I did not have permission to make this public (July 2022). When it was revealed that this type of thing would be allowed (April 2023), it became an option. I had some hesitation due to the effort level and the likely scenario that nobody would play it for long. Shortly after (May 2023), Kaelari announced he was resurrecting his own effort, now named KaelForge. He is the people's champion of Solforge (a title well earned through colossal efforts over years; I enjoyed many a tourny on
), and his server kung-fu is better than mine. Competing with him seems a questionable time investment; there are a number of other projects I'm itching to get to.
Keyboard Support?
The site currently doesn't support it. I may add that in the future.
Drag & Drop?
While I admit dragging cards to their targets is way more fun, it would involve an animation framework that is just not a priority right now. Clickity-clicks will have to do.
Better Deckbuilder?
The current deckbuilder page was slapped together so people could brew a deck. Making a proper builder with filters and such is going to take a minute. I have something half-written, and my ability to work on this has diminished.
Request A New Feature?
You can. I make no promises that it will get get done, but no harm in asking. Please review this FAQ and the issue log first as it may already be addressed. Otherwise feel free to open a new discussion, or message me about it if you don't have a Github account (see the Contact page).
I Found A Bug
I'd love to know about it. Please see the above contact options to reach out. Things I'm currently aware of:
- The bot opponent can spend a long time thinking (there is a kick-out after a certain time has elapsed, but very complex hands can still go slow).
- The bot opponent can sometimes make foolish choices.